Neil Peirce

Neil Peirce in full flight at Thesis in 3

Congratulations to Neil Peirce, Technology Lead at the Centre and researcher at CNGL, who presented his doctoral research, entitled Learning Games Just For You, along with 17 other researchers at last night’s Thesis in 3 event.

Staged as part of Innovation Dublin 2012, Thesis in 3 is a showcase of the innovative research currently underway in a number of the Centres for Science Engineering and Technology (CSETs) funded by Science Foundation Ireland.

The format of the event is based on the Pecha Kucha concept, where researchers present their doctoral work in a series of concise, rapidly paced talks consisting of three slides of precisely one minute each before, aptly enough, three judges.

Judges select the winner on the basis of the researcher who presented their research most effectively for a non-specialist audience. The audience were also given the opportunity to vote for their favourite presenter. MC on the evening was Jonathan McCrea, host of the Newstalk show Futureproof and RTE’s The Science Squad.

Neil’s research interests focus on the personalisation of learning experiences within educational video games. Watch Neil’s presentation here:
