Inside Learning Podcast with Daniel Malan – Business Integrity and Ethical Challenges

The IntegrityIQ platform will be used to train employees of large corporations in ethical dilemmas through a simulation. The Learnovate Centre will support IntegrityIQ by providing its innovation services team to build the product and manage recruitment and resources.
-3/5+x+Clone Columnedit edit+xClone Element Meet the Patrons Q&A with Greta Stahl, Senior Director of Organisational Learning and Development at Workday

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Picture of launch of IntegrityIQ in Trinity College Dublin.

Trinity College developing AI-driven integrity platform to address costly ethics and compliance issues in global corporations

With the support of Learnovate, IntegrityIQ will develop an AI-driven integrity platform to address costly ethics and compliance issues in global corporations.

Inside Learning Podcast with Antonios Karampelas – Students, AI and Honesty

Our guest Antonios Karampelas is a Science, STEAM, and Artificial Intelligence educator with a PhD in Astrophysics. He is a thought leader in educational innovation and the future of learning.
-3/5+x+Clone Columnedit edit+xClone Element Meet the Patrons Q&A with Greta Stahl, Senior Director of Organisational Learning and Development at Workday

Meet the Patrons Q&A with Greta Stahl from Workday Greta Stahl

As part of Learnovate’s Meet the Patrons series, we speak to Greta Stahl, the Senior Director of Organisational Learning and Development at Workday, a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning for financial management, human resources, planning, spend management tools.