Thought leadership from the Learnovate team in the areas of Technology, Learning Science, Innovation and Product Design

Are HR and L&D missing a trick? Machine learning for corporate learning and performance

There is a gap in the adoption of machine learning in HR and (L&D). As artificial intelligence (AI) and ML transform businesses and disrupt sectors, we ask why these key functions have remained relatively immune. We explore the benefits of ML for attracting and retaining top talent, managing skills and performance and improving employee satisfaction.

Changing Minds – A Conceptual Framework for Relational Cognition

How many times do we check our phones for a text, email, shared link, or photo? Some of these moments of attention are based on alerts, others are habitual checking for updates. How do our minds adapt to today's constant shifting of focus?

Corporate L&D: Where do we go from here?

While historically L&D departments have sat under the remit of Human Resources, many companies have come to realise that learning expertise cannot be shoehorned into an organisation using traditional HR skills and backgrounds.

Will Blockchain technology disrupt education?

Blockchain is hailed by fervent advocates as a path to a fairer, more democratic world that disrupts the unelected power and influence wielded by multinational companies and financial institutions.

Barriers to technology integration in K-12 classrooms

The 90s were a time of creativity with innovations such as e-commerce, the Hubble Space Telescope and the resurgence of double denim. With such abundant creativity, one could be forgiven for missing the ground-breaking classification developed by Purdue University’s Peggy Ertmer in 1999.