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SREcon21, a gathering of engineers who care deeply about site reliability, systems engineering, and working with complex distributed systems at scale, will be held as a virtual event for the global SREcon community on October 12–14, 2021.


IDA Canada – Why Ireland for EdTech?


Learnovate will feature in this event by the IDA to hear from leading EdTech companies in Ireland on how they innovate, grow and succeed internationally. 

Invite only

Poly/ Zoom Education Open House


Learnovate are delighted to be part of a Poly/ Zoom Education Open House by our patron members demonstrating their fantastic new […]


November Thought Leaders Circle


Learnovate Patron Member only event. Patron members of Learnovate influence the future direction of learning technology in Ireland by adding […]


Technology Insights – Wellbeing: An ongoing balancing act for work and learning


If the past 20 months has taught us anything, it is the importance of nurturing our employees' wellbeing and how this can impact their overall experience of work, including their learning. In this webinar, Ilse White, Corporate Learning Researcher at the Learnovate Centre in Trinity College Dublin will discuss the centre's research into employee and learner wellbeing.
