Blind Spot – How Culture Impacts Communication

Nowhere is effective communication more urgent than safety-critical industries such as nuclear power plants, offshore oil platforms, rail transport and commercial aviation. Find out how effective assessment and development of culturally-aware communication skills reduce the risk of human error in safety-critical and mission-critical environments.
Rise & Learn

Past Event | Learnovate Rise & Learn Event | Showing the Business Value of Learning

Join us at The Alex Hotel on Wednesday, 30 January from 8am to 9am for the first event in our new 'Rise & Learn' event series on Showing the Business Value of Learning.
Mary Kate O' Flanagan, Story Consultant

Storytelling in Learning

We use more of our brain when we’re listening to stories. Learning that uses stories sustains attention, increases engagement and enhances memory. At our Storytelling in Learning event, we found out how stories impact our brains and bodies, and how to structure a story for maximum impact.

2019 Societies Brokerage

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Learnovate’s Learning Sciences Researcher Paul O’Raw recently participated in the 2019 SOCIETIES BROKERAGE event in Warsaw, Poland.

Past Event | Learnovate Learn & Connect Event | Storytelling in Learning

Join us at Huckletree on Wednesday, 21 November from 5.30pm to 7pm for the first event in our new 'Learn & Connect' event series on Storytelling in Learning.